Spider: The past to understand the future

22 January 2021
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Not by chance: this is how the story that characterizes the ‘Spider’ ® brand can be summarized. Before talking about

the company nowadays it is right to talk about the history that led to the creation of a group of companies that are

all-round specialists in the field of work at height. Initially as a business branch of a historic company present on the

market for over 40 years, in the industrial supplies sector, then with the establishment of companies that have

focused their attention and quality in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of fall arrest devices, in

the supply and installation of safety nets and parapets, in accredited training, up to supply of personal protective

equipment. The basic concept has always been to give answers of excellence for each of the sectors in which the

Group has decided to try its hand: thus  were born the “Security Building Service”  (known under the

Spider Linea Vita ® brand), “Società Sicurezza Cantieri”, for the network market, the “Scuola Italiana Anticaduta”

(accredited by the Lombardy Region), and finally “Fin Group” (with the Spider Work & Safety), which continues its

activity for almost half a century, in the field of industrial supplies and accident prevention. Over the last two years,

the Infracomm company (commercial agency in the accident prevention field) and Billygoat & Wolf (communication

agency). In short, we can say that the Companies grouped under the Spider® brand, today represent on the market a

concrete point of reference for everything round for safety in the workplace, from the concept of risk to the

communication of the message prevention… Because life and the protection of people are always at the top of every

Spider ® thought




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